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Meenu Selvaraj



Microfluidic devices for low concentration bioanalytes detection integrated with organic electronics sensors


Dr Pierpaolo Greco, Scriba Nanotecnologie, Italy

Ms. Meenu Selvaraj was born in Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu, India) on 19.9.1991. She received her Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Electronics and Communication on 2013, from Coimbatore Institute of Engineering and Technology (Coimbatore, India). When she discovered her interest in the field of Electronics, she started her Master Degree in Nanoelectronic systems at Technical University of Dresden (Germany) and obtained Master of Science in 2017 from TU Dresden (Germany). She found her passion towards the application of bioelectronics and organic electronics which likely, she joined Scriba Nanotechnologie (Bologna, Italy) and started working in the Scriba’s R&D team from February 2018 in the framework of Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action “iSwitch”. In Scriba, Meenu’s main focus resides on the microfabrication of electrodes exhibiting a variety of geometries using several precursors like gold nanoparticles, conductive polymers or graphene oxide for the application of Biosensors etc.

The objectives of the research activities pursued by ESR-4 hosted by Scriba are to provide a microfluidic device to be integrated with photonic/plasmonic sensors and graphene-based sensors, developed in WP1. The device design will take into account the geometry of the device and the operability. Considering fabrication output, a suitable number of integrated prototypes will be prepared using with UV photolithography techniques, laser lithography, photopolymerization and replica molding, which will be tested with commercial pumping systems. The devices data is then assembled in collaboration with partners and sent to potential end users in the network (ESR-1 and ESR-2) that can do the validation and feedback on the design. The ESR-4 will be trained to select industrial solutions that have these characteristics, i.e. materials and packaging able to support sterilization cycles that are critical to the application in the clinical field.

Dr. Xinzhong Li

01752 586766

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement 764281. 

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